04.08.06 | Claudia Borralho |
When conceiving twins (triplets or more) the woman usually releases 2 (or 3 or more) eggs at once. These eggs are then fertilised to create non-identical twins (or triplets etc.) The woman's ability to produce more than one mature egg at a time is something that is inherited (...)
If you're like most women, you've probably been taught that a woman's cycle is 28 days and she ovulates on day 14. Actually, this is a myth. These are only statistical averages, and length of cycle and day of ovulation vary widely among women. It even varies for each woman! (...)
28.07.06 | Claudia Borralho |
A Paula trouxe-me ontem mais um livro de gravidez. Descobri umas coisas engraçadas ao folheá-lo. Dicas para conceber meninos ou meninas :) Este é um assunto que abunda bastante pela web, mas foi a primeira vez que vi uma dica com um fundo cientifico que ainda não conhecia. (...)
05.07.06 | Claudia Borralho |
Kegel exercises are small internal contractions of the pelvic floor muscles that support your urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles improves circulation to your rectal and vaginal area, helping to keep hemorrhoids at bay and speeding (...)