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a vidinha como ela é

(e uma mãe que mete a mão em tudo) por Claudia Borralho

a vidinha como ela é

(e uma mãe que mete a mão em tudo) por Claudia Borralho

Desenvolvimento do bebé - 1 a 6 meses

03.08.07 | Claudia Borralho

Child's Age Mastered Skills (most kids can do) Emerging Skills (half of kids can do) Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
1 month Lifts head when lying on tummy
Responds to sound
Stares at faces
• Follows objects briefly with eyes
• Vocalizes: oohs and aahs
• Can see black-and-white patterns
Smiles, laughs
• Holds head at 45-degree angle
2 months • Vocalizes: gurgles and coos
• Follows objects across field of vision
• Notices his hands
Holds head up for short periods
Smiles, laughs
• Holds head at 45-degree angle
• Makes smoother movements
Holds head steady
• Can bear weight on legs
• Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy (mini-pushup)
3 months Recognizes your face and scent
Holds head steady
• Visually tracks moving objects
• Squeals, gurgles, coos
• Blows bubbles
• Recognizes your voice
• Does mini-pushup
Rolls over, from tummy to back
• Turns toward loud sounds
• Can bring hands together, bats at toys
4 months Smiles, laughs
• Can bear weight on legs
• Coos when you talk to him
• Can grasp a toy
Rolls over, from tummy to back
Imitates sounds: "baba," "dada"
Cuts first tooth
• May be ready for solid foods
5 months Distinguishes between bold colors
• Plays with his hands and feet
• Recognizes own name
Turns toward new sounds
Rolls over in both directions
• Sits momentarily without support
• Mouths objects
Separation anxiety may begin
6 months • Turns toward sounds and voices
Imitates sounds
Rolls over in both directions
Is ready for solid foods
• Sits without support
• Mouths objects
• Passes objects from hand to hand
• Lunges forward or starts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Drags objects toward himself

Advanced skills!!! baba, baba, baba! Agora que descobriu que consegue virar-se está sempre a fazê-lo, não pára! E quando fica de barriga para baixo tenta avançar e depois dá muitos gritos de frustração porque ainda não consegue :)
Fica ali a nadar no ar, hehe!

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