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a vidinha como ela é

(e uma mãe que mete a mão em tudo) por Claudia Borralho

a vidinha como ela é

(e uma mãe que mete a mão em tudo) por Claudia Borralho

the "28-day" myth

02.08.06 | Claudia Borralho
If you're like most women, you've probably been taught that a woman's cycle is 28 days and she ovulates on day 14. Actually, this is a myth. These are only statistical averages, and length of cycle and day of ovulation vary widely among women. It even varies for each woman!

A typical cycle, which begins with menstruation, is 25-36 days with ovulation typically occurring between days 12-18. However, it may not be that way for you! And even if your cycles are regularly the same length, you may not ovulate on the same day every cycle. The only way to determine when you have ovulated is to track your fertility signs by recording basal (waking) body temperature and/or gauging the changes in the quality of your cervical fluid, since it becomes more fertile (hospitable to sperm) nearer ovulation. Ovulation predictor urine tests can also help determine when you will ovulate. Generally, you are fertile up to 5 days before ovulation, since sperm can generally live in a woman's body for up to 5 days in fertile cervical fluid, and a couple days after the day of ovulation, because an egg can live up to 24 hours, and occasionally a second egg is released within 24 hours of the first.

When a cycle varies in length, it is the time between menstruation and ovulation that varies. Less variable in length is the luteal phase, or the time between ovulation and the end of your cycle (the last day before your next period). The luteal phase typically lasts between 10 and 16 days, but it will not usually vary more than 1 or 2 days for each woman. So if, for example, your luteal phase is 11 days, it will usually always be 10-12 days. The luteal phase provides time for a fertilized egg, or embryo, to travel to the uterus to implant. The typical embryo implants 6-12 days after ovulation. Your body produces the hormone hCG when the embryo implants. hCG is the hormone detected by pregnancy tests. If no embryo implants, the uterine lining is shed, beginning the next cycle.



02.08.06 | Claudia Borralho
nota: o tiago diz que hoje haverá mais tentativas e que após dita tentativa me põe a fazer o pino para o esperma não escorrer todo para fora como já é costume.

No livro da Zita West que a Paula me emprestou diz lá que o esperma se liquefaz depois de ejaculado - deve ser por isso que escorre...

Ordem de trabalhos

02.08.06 | Claudia Borralho
Continuar com as tentativas até a temperatura subir (hoje estava 36,1º).
Quando chegar o período no dia 15/08, comprar testes de ovulação.
Para o próximo ciclo: enquanto os testes forem negativos fazer amor sempre que nos apetecer, quando os testes derem positivo fazer amor o maior de vezes possível e pelo menos uma vez por dia.
Excepções feitas a cansaço extremo.

As boas notícias são que já chegou o lubrificante amigo dos espermatozóides, €20 para 6 tentativas...

Ovulação onde estás tu?

02.08.06 | Claudia Borralho
All my signs suggest ovulation (wet cervical fluid, increased sex drive, tender breasts) but my temperature has not risen and ovulation is not detected on my chart. Is it possible that I have already ovulated, but my chart is not showing it?

Only the thermal shift will help you pinpoint ovulation with any kind of certainty, while all other signs are good indicators that ovulation might be approaching and that you have increased fertility. While it is certainly possible to ovulate without your temperature showing it, (especially if your temperature-taking habits are less than ideal*), ovulation can only be pinpointed by a thermal shift.

This is because progesterone, the hormone that is released only after ovulation, causes your temperature to shift slightly- so once you have a thermal shift, you can be reasonably sure that you ovulated on the previous day. (...) You should keep having intercourse until ovulation is confirmed by a clear and sustained thermal shift.

* Tiro a temperatura sempre à mesma hora inclusivé aos fins de semana, tomo nota de quaisquer perturbações no sono, mas de qualquer forma não tem havido perturbações nas últimas semanas.

Ver aqui the 28th day myth

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